Kee-riest, with these two, and the Olsen twins, my weekend's set.

Fekkin'ell would ya look at the lastest entry! What?... Dre sees me downin some German's U-Boat and thinks it's safe to send me this poster? THAT WASN'T REAL!! Your boyfriend used computer talent to create his fantazie. This one, however, is goin on my wall. Yer hot Dre, in that little sister kinda way. So what say ya hook me up with yer friend there. We're at the age where a big brother can see his sister's friends on a social level. Give us her number.
Now aside from this getting bonus points for fetish excellence, extra points also awarded for Canadian content (let us not forget that Fook Mi and Fook Yu come from the brain of Mike Myers) and technical merit from the inlay of that text. Looks as if a Roman sculptor has actually chissled away the LCD screen of my iBook to give the party date.
Good show Dre.
ps. The words "Tag Team" have been in my head since receiving this poster.
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