Wednesday, June 29, 2005


right-O. we here at Overflow Revolution shoot a special thanks out to Manny over at Sugar Disaster for gettin our lazy arses back in the postin realm of things. what should be said in our defence is that we have been posting like gold rushes, though it's in japanese and on the fun and crafty label. one of those join to post things... never been on frendster, but imagine it's something similar, just in a smaller, more strobe light animated big eye character, shouchu drinkin form.

so what have we to do here. well i've been passed a musical baton, but i am not going to answer that today, as i need to remember how to do things in posting... namely, how does one make a link again?

bonus points to the reader that correctly names the cartoon character known for constantly uttering the title of this post. that's not hard at all as his name is the same as his catch phrase... ok. also have to give the sereries name. give you a hint... it starts with Thunder, ends in Cats.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Snarf from "Thunder... Thunder... Thunder Cats.... HOOOOOOOOO! (slash slash sounds)!!" Of course the title should really read, "Schnarff, narff, narff..." and be more whiney, like Eric in Dungeons and Dragons.

None the less... glad to see you online again. Does this mean the mac account is dead??

12:04 AM  
Blogger Akira Sundance said...

the mac account is not dead... it's still where i keep everything backed up, but i can't get thingamablog to upload to my iDisk from my connection at work, so i'm using Blogger now. Also means i can update from cafes Gonzo style, as i have no idea what's gonna happen come next month whenz i don'ts gots a j-o-b.

11:38 AM  

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