Friday, July 08, 2005

Further Confusion

So the marking system of this country baffles me further.

now the problem is that some of the kids are failing... and we can't have that, now can we. So this kid I gave a generous 11 out of 20 to botched his exam. Like really really botched it. So he's got to do 5 extra classes in the summer (as in 5 hours) to pass the class. I can see how 5 extra hours will help him learn English. 5 more hours for yours truly and I'll be fluent in Japanese I suppose.

Another kid has to do the same thing because she cheated on the exam. I wonder why that wouldn't be a failure, but hey... what do I know. I asked why she's allowed to pass if she cheated, and the answer was that she didn't actually cheat. She intended to, and had cheat sheets in her pocket, but the teacher caught her as she was pulling them out, so she got caught before cheating, so she didn't do something as bad as cheating.

This is the complete opposite of the thought crime jailings of the American Government, now innit? Read this lovely quote from Monkey-boy himself, after the London bombings: "I was most impressed by the resolve of all the leaders in the room. Their resolve is as strong as my resolve."

Can you say resolve one more time, please? Tool.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to offer you a resolution. You should resolve to fail all the f*ckers who who have stayed true in their resolve not to learn english. If I were you I would resolve to do this. Georgie is a dummy.

7:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, Mykie, I feel your pain. At least in your classes, tests, etc. they get a mark. In my classes over the whole 3 years I was teaching at the school, my class accounting for a whopping 0% of their mark. I tried to change this, arguing that not only will those who can only be motivated by marks not be motivated, but it made the class pretty useless overall. Well, you can guess what the answer by admin. was; "Yes, it's an interesting point," and that was it.

As a result, my school went so far as to cancel my 3-nen sei classes in the 3rd term, with one teacher telling me, "We can't afford for them wasting time on a class that doesn't count towards their marks." To which, of course, I felt like kicking said teacher in the head. All of the 3-nen sei's were so disappointed. I said to the teachers, give me an example of ONE student who studies English because they want to learn everything by rote (insinuating that of course what they really want to do -- if anything -- if they're learning English is talk to foreigners or travel). The word 仕方がない has never been used more in my life.

8:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is a pretty shit system. i guess maybe that do that to my grades after i had them over but there's nowt i can do i guess. although my grades do look pretty varied, the top kid got 51/50 (all kids can get bonus points for in class presentations) and the lowest got a whopping 9! dumb fucker.

10:20 AM  
Blogger Akira Sundance said...

t→ he may be a dummy, but his resolve is as strong as my resolve. Did you watch that video that Sugar Disaster has linked? Brilliant. Andy Dick is a genious.

Anon→ i assume this to be richard due to the voice i know to be his. i know it's not an actual japanese word, but my response, when i have been pushed to the brink of logical breakdown, is いや、しょうがあるよ!。

Jake-o → glad you piped up, mate. been trying to access your site to no avail. Did you change the address? ってか、9/50 is a dumb fucker indeed. baseball boy perhaps?

10:29 AM  

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