Monday, August 22, 2005

Lumber is set to move; poised to jump!!!

We would just like to thank lisagonzo0879 for letting us in on the trade secrets of the Timber Industry! (Interested parties should check out the comments on my last entry...) but don't tell anyone i told ya... it's an undiscovered gem, beginning to surge with landslide (we'll let her dangling sentence go due to the information she brought us)

So if genetically enhanced, fast growing hard-wood trees is where you'd like to make your fortune, then get your pocket book ready.

But remember (and we cherish lisa gonzo for being upfront with this information)

we disclose the holding of EGTY shares prior to the publication of
this report. Be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resulting from such holdings due to our intent to profit from the liquidation of these shares. Shar,es may be sold at any time, even after positive statements have been made regarding the above company.
Since we own shares, there is an inherent conflict of interest in our statements and opinions. Readers of this publication are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward,|ooking statements,

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

oh those pesky scales

Ok, first off, i have been without internet once again, hence the lack of posts. i wish to hear no more about this issue. i am in a transitional period.

Now for the post. i just read that the new Catholic pope is named as a defendant in a sex cover up scandal. Not really a surprize, but what i do find interesting is that the Vatican is asking for immunity, and the States have granted it (law suit is in Texas). Actually they didn't grant it, they said he has automatically had it as he is a Head of State.

Um... wasn't Saddam a Head of State?

I fail to recognize the logic of this world. I fail to see how rules apply to some but not to others. Where is Justice in this day and age? Where the fuck is Socrates!?

I have been recently thinking about Decadance. Now, many people think decadance is a good thing... that it is having a rich lifestyle and whatnot... I'm not entirely sure how the word lost its meaning these past few years, but decadance is decline. It is the downward spiral of a society. I suppose we have forgotten the decline aspect of the word, and merely focussed on the pleasure side, the idea being that if one foccuses only on the pleasures of life, morals and standards will fall. It is a negative word.

I think we are quickly approaching the rock bottom of our society. Lawlessness runs the world, but since the American government can spin Totalitarianism into Democracy, we all believe in it.

Like the fall of Rome, and Greece before it, we are living in a time when the Senators are to blame for their lack of self respect. They can't make a decision for fear of it coming back to haunt them. No one has any fuckin morals anymore. Must I alone save the world? No, I think I'm too selfish to dedicate myself to that fight. I'd much rather sit in Adachi Yama Park with my books, sip my 缶ビール and write love letters in the sun.

I, like you all, am living a decadant life.