Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Chicken Soup for the Zikker

My girlfriend rawks!!!

So after a bit of a bender of a weekend that included a Korean wedding where yours truly was forced to drink for about 10 hours, I ended up with a right nasty cold from the third ring of hell. Immune system runnin' in the red, and being around kids at my part time job brought about this nonesense.

Yesterday was terrible, with my strength and conciousness draining through the workday. Took a bit of a nap after work, and went to my part time job. I had emailled her about how shitty I felt, kind of in search of sympathy, I guess...

So I get home about 9pm, all bundled in the great sweater moms made me a few years back, scarf and toque to keep me warm, but the idea of going into my cold, dark lonesome apartment had me in a bit of a down mood. And then what to I see? A candle burning from my livingroom window. Ok. That's a lie. I can't see my livingroom window from the street, but I did see her bike in front of my apartment.

So into the house I race to the smell of somethin' cookin', and her warm warm smile... which was laughing at me for wearing so much winter crap ;-) And there on the stove was a pot of home made soup! (if ever I regretted giving her a key... )

MAN, what a trip! That she came over to make a pot of chicken soup for me was golden enough, but to make things better, she tells me how she didn't know what to do for me, so checked the blog of this Japanese chick married to a Canadian living in Montreal, and on the blog it says foreigners like chicken soup when they're sick. HA!!! Stereotypes tend to piss me off, but not this time. So my thanks go out to that chick in Montreal, as well.

She was a bit worried that it wouldn't be "like mom used to make" but considering mom used to make Lipton's when I was sick (no offense, mom) and this home made bit of brilliance was brimmin with cabbage, onion, ginger and chicken, it would have had Oedipus writhing with jealousy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, that is SOOOOOOO cool. Does your girlfriend have any friends? hahaha. I've been dating a bit again, but I just don't feel like putting in the effort I did with the last one, since I got dumped on my arse after 4 years. Anyway, I didn't come here to gripe... just to let you know that I think your girlfriend sounds like a real special lady, and I'm glad it's working out for you. Give her my regards.

2:21 PM  

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