Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Timing, Timing, Timing....

So we just got a call from a Japanese aquaintence with a job offer. Gadmmit! She was kinda my boss a few years back when I worked at bar, and now she works for a pretty decent international company here in town.

They're looking for an interpreter/translater to deal with all the overseas branches and guests that come. I got a double recommendation to get the job, as there's this Austrian bloke in town now on a 6 month transfer. He'll go back to Austria for a couple months and comes back in January. Anyway, have bumped into him and Risa at a yakitori place I like a couple times, have chatted with him and he has seen me chatting in J, so he first threw in my name for the job and then Risa backed the idea, as she know better than him what level my J is.

As it stands, though, I've just started a new job that I like, and couldn't leave them in the winds. Gonna respect this contract, unlike I did at my last job... If only they'd called me in the summer... Did drop the line that I would like to enter a company at some point in the future, so to try me again should anything pop up.

Plus side though, feels pretty damned good to be contacted for a job I didn't apply for. Reputation is starting to get ahead of me, where is exactly where it should be.

"Your enemies will know of your character long before you meet them, my friend."
Good line from a not so good movie.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Myke... good on you for sticking to your contract, as much as it might suck to do so. But even better that you LIKE the contract you're sticking to! Kudos!! As for me, I WISH my reputation preceded me as such... but might be a bit harder in Osaka. Do me a favour though, and if there's anything like that that you're going to pass over around April, give me a shout -- I'm kind of looking for a change, and like you, something perhaps more permanent. A company would be great. Mind you, if I don't get studying a LOT more and playing a lot less, there's no way in hell I would get a translation job. My Japanese is good enough to get by, I think, but I would not want to take such a job without improving my level.

Not sure the quotation at the end fits... but hey.

6:30 PM  
Blogger Akira Sundance said...

hey dude. could you get a half yeazr contract? or no? if you can, think about going to uni like i did. amazing course, well thought out with a great research and project component that allowed me to improve the japanese like mad.

starts in september, though.

9:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, bud. How long was the course, anyway? I'm not sure if I can get a 6 month contract or not. Oh, and where did you take it again? Going to school again would be totally cool.

2:19 PM  
Blogger Akira Sundance said...

Studied at Suzuka Kokusai Daigaku, in Mie-ken.

The designed course goes from mid-September to the end of January. You can still study and take classes after that, but it is outside of the main course. I did the half year, but a lot of my friends there stayed on for another semester.

Super cheap too, as it is subsidized. 5 months of tuition was only 100 000 yen, and rent was 25 000 yen per month.

1:54 PM  

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