Monday, November 07, 2005

time time time

ok. i'd blame the fact of not updating this thing on the fact that i have several hours of homework and studying each day, as well as having just finished a massive research study on garbage followed by an inclass presentation, but the truth of the matter is i've been spending all my time at russian bride sites.

ok. i haven't been spending my time at russian bride sites, though i appreciate their tenacity and dedication. if i was into white chicks, or human trafficking for that matter, i might consider a bride for sundays, but i'm not, so i won't.

things here are going well. put together a brilliantly stunning visual presentation for the garbage project, and the snazzy graphs did their job in hypnotizing people long enough not to realize i had no concrete data to present. no no no. i had plenty of data, and a bunch of interesting findings. for instance, according to my results, foreigners living in japan tend to separate their garbage (cans, bottles, plastic bottles, spray cans etc) more than they did in their own countries, even though it appears the same separation facilities are in place in the foreign countries investigated. aslo, when comparing male and female answers, we can see that men tend to separate glass more than women, whereas women tend to separate spray cans more than men.

ok, some points of reference on this. beer in japan is more often in cans, so that's not where the glass is coming from, and both men and women's separation patterns of cans is similar (sitting at about 80% of participants).

anyway, working on the next project now, and gonna enlist the help of zark to make it tip top, cause i've been out of the psyc world for some time. the garbage project was sort of a practice run for the bigguns, which is due in january. wanna make it airtight.