Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Canada's New Government???

So I've been a little pissed off at this "New Government of Canada" for several reasons, first and foremost being the ridiculously self righteous insistence that government agencies and personnel refer to the Tories as the "New Government of Canada". I understand the desire to separate yourself from the Liberals, and the fact that the Liberals were in power for a decade, but to force it as official nomenclature is utterly pompous.

They are so fascist, they fired a scientist for refusing to use the term, see here, though he was reinstated after some public outrage.

Last week I noticed the Government of Canada website had been changed to state this "New Government of Canada" title, which I strongly disagree with, as the current party is only a temporary representative. I see now the main page has been changed back to the original, though Harper's page still says "Canada's New Government".

So now we read that this "New" Government is slashing spending to those who need it most. I don't want to sound like a pot supporter, but when it comes to those suffering, I think it is a good thing. Other losers under the new regime seem to be our forests, our women, and our museums.

So the present government is fucking over the little guy. Tell me, what's so "new" about that?

Friday, September 15, 2006

A little bit of history...

Gave my desk a thorough cleaning today and found a newspaper from November 11, 2001 jammed in the back behind a drawer. Reading a newspaper that is almost 5 years old is quite interesting (although it makes you ask yourself if it can still be called a newspaper, as nothing in it is new, so much as it is new again) especially considering what an important date it holds. This paper is 2 months after New York was blown up, and about a month after the war in Afghanistan began. It's interesting to see the different take on many things.

If we knew then what we know now. But as that is impossible, I offer a more tangible goal to reach for... If we remembered now, what we knew then.

I don't think there is a single person that can forget Sept. 11, 2001. But what about Sept. 18th? That is one week after the twin towers came down, and the day that the Anthrax letters started.

"Oooohhhh yeah!!! The Anthrax letters. Forgot all about those." And so had I until I read this paper where the FBI (whose real agents can never live up to Mulder and Scully) released this brilliant profile of the mailer: "a man familiar with hazardous material, and a possible grudge against the letters' addressees." I see American tax dollars are hiring only the best minds of the country.

Anyhoo, I start to think about the fact that the Anthrax mailer seems to have fallen right out of the newspapers. Don't think I ever heard of anyone being caught, could it be like a Jack the Ripper kinda thing, where the government is covering up for one of it's own? So I'z doez some diggin and come by this interesting article that makes ya wonder... who does control the press, anyway?

I remember that after the twin towers, Dubya could do no wrong. Every paper and news show was behind him, covering up his blunders, not reporting his lies, and it was the first time in forever that that had happened. Now we have to ask the question, what is intentionally being left off out dinner plates in the hopes that we forget we once had it? Stop reporting on the Anthrax mailer and we eventually forget he existed.

Hey... didn't I used to eat steak? Memories are slowly starting to come back.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Crocodile Hunter is dead, I have a new job

Yup, Steve Irwn is dead, killed by a Stingray barb to the heart, and we ain't talkin Corvettes and Ken dolls here, people.

Can't tell me ya didn't see it comin'. The guy wrestles anything with teeth and holds his baby while he does it. I'm quite happy it was a stingray, to tell you the truth. I mean, I'm not happy he's dead, by any means, but I like that it was the gracefull gliding ray that did him in, and not a croc or a tiger. One death touch, rather than a mauling. Something Shao-lin-esque about it.

I'm on day three of the new job and liking it, though I am still not used to being up at such a rediculous hour. Naw, I like being up early, but can only do it if there is a reason. I am in awe of how many hours there are after work. I was a bit confused on what to do the first day, but after doing laundry, going for a walk, making dinner and generally hangin' about, I realized I can get quite used to this day job thing again.

Will see how thigns go.
