Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Life lessons all around us.

I've never really liked American horror flicks other than for having a laugh. And given the script brilliance of Japanese horror, where psychological fear is used rather than blood, I really figured I would not give another thought to American horror... but I may have to reconsider that. Perhaps there are some good lessons to be learned.

I write a journal back and forth with one of my students. He's quite advanced, always has a good train of though, and likes American music, so he's always picking up new slang and asking about it. Today he hands me the journal where he's picked up some self improvement tips from Jason of Friday the 13th fame:

"I hate to do my best, or work hard to do something. But lately I watched "Jason vs. Freddy" and I changed my mind. Jason tried hard to kill Freddy. He was hurt so much, but he didn't give up. He tore Freddy's arm off and stabbed with his arm into Freddy. I was so impressed. To do my best is a good thing."

Interesting point ○○○君。


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hook me up with this kid-FINALLY someone on par with my own deep, incomparable mode of thinking. There are many lessons to be learned in "Freddy vs. Jason" and unfortunately it is only the lucky ones such as myself and your student who can really GET what it's all about. I'm so pleased to hear this latest report.

8:13 PM  

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