So another year in Japan, and another Kokura Gion Daiko wrapped up with caloused hands, ripped quad muscles, a kilo or so lost in sweat, and a batch of reble photos of yours true decked out in the Nippon style of the times evening glasses.
Yes, had to change from the orange ones worn last year for a couple reasons. One is that they are scratched to eyebrow headache causing belief from being dropped on asphalt a few too many times, and the more important reason that these silver "can still see your eyes" glasses are the new style of evening wear for the hep cat in Japan.
Even with my 不良 image, however, I couldn't resist Mika-chan's request to wear my specs for a photo. Inn'she cute as the world sitting in my hand? And could one ask for better lighting than the natural perfection of a Japanese evening sun? I think not.

After sundown however, let the new children of the night play, and play. And play they will, banging their drums in primal stylistic brilliance. We have here yours sweet and true, Akira Sundance, with my fellow rebel taiko player Eguchi-san. There are a couple of us that play a different (and let me say far more wickedly interesting to watch) form of taiko from our group members. Takes some flak during competition time, as uniformity is important, but come the free for all playing of festivals, we get to flail our arms in Taoist water-like circles that strike drums without being known.
While watching Eguchi I noticed he does a quick double hit that adds this amazing extra half beat on the opening verse. I learn so much from this man that I only see for three days a year that I am in awe. Of course he's good. 17 years of playing will get ya there.

Thanks to those who came (and this is listed in order of when people came, not by preference): Manny from Sugar-D, Karin-chan (yes we are dating again to answer your question), Akiko and her husband (I'm sorry I can't remember your first name) Miyase-san, Steve, Adrianna, Toni, Yamada Sensei, and the plethora of my way too cute students who snapped away photos of the big sweaty foreigner that has mastered their drum, and their tongue. Take that as you will.
Awesome pics, Myke! Some real winners there for sure! Seems like you had a blast... wish I could have gone.
wicked photos buddy-looks like a blast-sounds like a lot of peeps came out. and here you on the sweaty sweaty sweat business...
Blue Goose, S.I.G.
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