Friday, April 07, 2006

Supply and Demand

Manny has a good post up over there on Sugar D with an interesting article linked. I guess I'm feeling a little anti-American right now, possibly because my American co-worker walked into the office Monday morning and quit without notice, meaning I've been working double shifts making myself hoarse teaching kids all day, using my time inbetween classes to call people to see if they can work some part time hours at my school.

Anyway, while Manny was taken aback to 1997, I'm thinking more 80s when Nancy brought about the foolish "War on Drugs". America always seems to think there are two sets of rules. This is apparent in who can have weapons and who can't, as well as something more ecconomic: supply and demand. The States got rich off this principle, but don't realize that it works for other people too. Make drugs harder to get, and it doesn't stop the need for drugs, it just raises the price. Make the boarder harder to cross, and yes, you put more money in smuggler's pockets.

Someday ecconomists will study the Nancy Factor in illegal opperations.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, don't feel bad about being anti-American, these days or not. I certainly have been lately, and it's only getting worse.

1:21 AM  

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