Taiko revisited

So thought a couple more shots of taiko were in order. Really wish I had more of actual taiko playing, but portrait stuff interests me these days. Here be me and Kyle, who's far too funny of a person. Say somethin bad 'bout Kyle I'm gonna have to kick yer ass.

Uriu-san lives far and comes out for the festival every year. Dude makes me piss myself. Low stamina but a lot of power... I figure there's some sort of gaming comparison but I don't know about gaming so I can't give it. Anyway, hangin with him makes me feel more like a gangster, though once he smiles you know there's nothing gangster about him. If he stays quiet with his glasses on and arms folded, he looks like my body guard though.

And who can't resist kids pulling a float? Not that they really do any work, the slackers, but they get points for cuteness. Why is everything in Japan cute? No idea, but I've been told by someone close to me recently that she no longer wants to correct my Japanese. Not because it's tedious or anything like that... but because my errors are so small they make my Japanese sound cute. Not sure how i feel about this. If Akira gets in a tustle at some Izakaya, the last thing we want is to be rolling our "r"s in Yakuza talk while making cute mistakes.
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